master plan

Your Church Plant Master Plan

I consider it a blessing that I get to work with church planters everyday.  Many have done exhaustive research and months of preparation in the area of planning.  But some, unfortunately, place little or no emphasis on planning. The fact is, you will greatly increase the probability of success by creating a well thought-out church planting plan, proposal, or master plan.  Just as you would think through every detail and create a business plan before starting your own business,  you want to think through every aspect of your church plant via what we call a Master Plan. The Master Plan...

Sample Master Plans

You will greatly increase the probability of success by creating a well thought-out church planting Master Plan. The elements of a Master Plan, also known as Business Plan or Church Proposal, are: Purpose statement Vision for church Demographic study of community Core Values Strategy to reach and retain Launch needs First year timeline First year…

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Why You Need an Elevator Pitch

Great post by Michael Hyatt on the importance of being able to present your proposal quickly. Important for church planters! Over the course of my career, I’ve listened to thousands of sales pitches. These have come from authors, speakers, vendors, employees, investors, and even politicians. Some of these pitches were remarkable; most were not. Those…

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