
Leading Larger

Your role as pastor will change as your church grows. You must lead larger.  As the church grows, it will become increasingly difficult for you to eat lunch with everyone or play golf every week. It becomes physically impossible! There will come a time when you will have to explain this. Christian leader and professor, Howard Hendricks, said it well, "There are many things I can do, but I have to narrow it down to the one thing I must do. The secret to concentration is elimination." I remember a retreat our staff once took. We were experiencing a season...

Why Talking About Church Growth Matters

It’s inevitable. Every single time we publish an article on designed to help Pastors lead their churches to grow, people react with defensiveness and pseudo-spiritual comments. Everyone seems quick to point out that “it’s not about numbers,” “bigger doesn’t mean better,” and “my small church matters just as much as your big church.” Yes….

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